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It was extremely hard! It felt heavy and horribly fake. It was uneasy. It did not feel good at all. I really don’t know what made me continue to try, but I did continue to try smiling despite the Boston bruins jeremy swayman linus ullmark bear hug 2023 shirt Furthermore, I will do this uneasiness. I might say it was my luck or that I was too stubborn or too lazy to continue to use extra muscle effort to frown. The fact that I strongly believed that it took less face muscle to smile than to frown probably helped me.
After a while something special happened. One day, someone made the Boston bruins jeremy swayman linus ullmark bear hug 2023 shirt Furthermore, I will do this observation that I was always smiling and asked me how I do that. I was really surprised because when the person made that observation, I was really not conscious that I was smiling. So It worked 😊. After that event, more and more people started noting my smile, even though I was not always aware of it. I even got the nickname of smiley! People will often say that they envy me because I am always happy, which I know is not true 😊. All that vibe and energy affected me positively. It changed me for good.