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4) Random questions: Firstly, guys there is something known as Google. So if you want to buy something (say chopsticks), please Google “Where to buy chopsticks in ?”. I bet you will find an answer for the Funny elvis Presley Guitar Albums 70th Anniversary 1923-2023 Signatures Shirt in addition I really love this same. So refrain yourself from asking such questions. Also some questions like “Who is going to win here?”, “I am 25 and have not kissed a girl in my life. Am I a loser?” (This is hilarious by the way) do not require a necessary Quora tag to it. So think twice before posting a question. This part is not restricted to Indians alone as it can be anybody who writes a question.
5) Foul language: The comments section now a days is nothing but loads and loads of foul language. The trend is that one particular party supporter (They call themselves ___tards) will curse another party supporter and so on. It is the Funny elvis Presley Guitar Albums 70th Anniversary 1923-2023 Signatures Shirt in addition I really love this election season, agreed but then debates can’t be won by seeing who uses more bad words right? So debate like gentlemen and please show the same fervor on the election day as well